(A candidate Running for US Senate Against Blanche Lincoln)
Be sure to read the red font section at the end)
(1) Voted for the bill that resulted in $360 million tax to increase our sales tax to 6%. Act 59 (SB42), 2003 Session
(2) Voted for the facilities bill that allowed the State to take over all school facilities in Arkansas (Facilities Committee recommended 4.5 BILLION for next five years.) Schools can no longer build or remodel without permission of the state and according to state regulations. Act 90 (HB1009 by Pickett Second Extraordinary Session of 2003.
(3) Voted for the Omnibus bill that implemented a government controlled curriculum in every school in Arkansas that has resulted in numerous additional state department employees to oversee and control the implementation of that curriculum in the local schools. By 2006, 61 schools had been put on probation for some minor infraction that which allows the State Department to consolidate the school, take over the administration and suspend or even oust local school board members. Act 1467 (HB2697) 2003 Session
(4) Voted to give $107 million dollars to Arkansas Department of Education for 32 new employees, etc. They supposedly consolidated the schools to save money by hiring fewer superintendents. $22 million paid the salary for every superintendent in the state in 2003, but this $107 million gift to ADE would pay for 1,070 superintendents at $100,000 for a year. SB91 (Act 98), 2nd extraordinary session, 2003.
(5) Voted for the bill that sent $456 million to facilities in 2007 from the surplus fund (this is like hidden tax-taking money from surplus that could be used for other things people will be taxed on later.). SB833, 2007 House Bill 2501 and Senate Bill 833. $104 million was appropriated for facilities in 2005 and the state's share of facilities was $277 million in 2006.
(6) Voted for every consolidation bill that went through the Senate, for closing schools with enrollment of 500 (which didn't pass); with enrollment of 350 (which did pass and closed 45 campuses by 2006); for closing isolated districts (which put many kids on the bus for 3 1/2 hours a day after voting for a bill the year before that got through on the basis they would not close isolated districts. He also voted for countywide school districts (supposedly administrative only but the wording in the bill clearly gives authority for countywide school districts) Only 14 senators voted for this bill. SB67 of Second Extraordinary Session of 2003. (The 500 consolidation bill was SB
(7) Supported and voted for all the following bills: The most powerful liberal Democrat Senator Argue (Senate Education Chair for several years) gloated over the amount of money raised for in 2005, writing the following in a guest article in the Democrat Gazette May 15, 2005. "In the current school year we’ve added $380 million to the school system. Next year we’ll add $170 million, and then in the 2006/07 school year, we will add another $98 million. In addition to these new operating funds, we’ve appropriated $104 million to begin our new school facilities program. This totals $752 million of new spending in our school system in the current and next two school years. Total K-12 spending is now 53 percent of total state general and dedicated revenues, an all time high."
Note that "K-12 Note that "K-12 funding now accounts for 40 percent of the Colorado general fund budget."
http://www.ncsl.org/programs/fiscal/tels2005.htmFor the state of education in Arkansas, since these bills passed, see red bulleted points in article at this link:
http://www.wpaag.org/Test%20Score%20Scam%202009.htm(8) Was quoted in newspaper article as saying on November 2009: "_____________, State co-chairman of the Legislature’s Joint Budget Committee, said he has no criticism about the growth in state government’s employee ranks." This quote was made in the newspaper article that reported, "In Beebe’s second full fiscal year as governor, 1,254 employees were added to the payroll, the second consecutive 1,000-plus increase under the Democratic incumbent and the fifth 1,000-plus increase in the past 11 years. ("State still hires, despite cuts" AR Dem Gaz by Wickline)
(9) Never sponsored an illegal alien bill in all the years he has been in the House or Senate or given any real support to the movement against illegal aliens when he was Republican Chair. He was on the committee that tabled Senator Holt's bill in to keep illegal aliens from getting benefits. He did vote against Joyce Elliott's bill to give instate tuition and scholarships to illegal aliens.
(10) Was the sole co-sponsor of liberal Betty Pickett's HB2749 (ACT 1813) alcohol bill that has allowed the ABC Board to grant numerous private club licenses in dry counties in Arkansas. The bill passed the Senate by only one vote.
(11) Is so out of touch with real conservatives that he relied on favorable quotes from John Brummett and the Arkansas Democrat Gazette in his fund raising letter, and a quote by John Brummett is the only quote from anyone he uses on his website in the article "About Gilbert Baker." Everyone knows that John Brummett is one of the most liberal journalists in Arkansas. The Democrat Gazette has in the past endorsed Senator Lincoln, Vic Snyder, and wrote puff pieces on two of the most liberal Democrats in Arkansas, Senator Jim Argue and Senator Joyce Elliott, as well as a puff piece on the first self avowed lesbian in the legislature, Kathy Webb. In addition, this paper has blasted almost every true conservative legislator in recent years.
(12) Although he is conservative on social issues, he has never championed them in the legislature or filed significant bills in that direction.
(13) Is the Arkansas senator given the highest rating in (meaning he voted more liberal) by a liberal organization in Arkansas of any Republican in the Senate and received a higher score than 41 Representatives including several Democrats by this liberal group. Information taken from this link, page 42 & 43 Citizens First Congress - a Liberal Group
http://citizensfirst.org/resources/2009%20Vote%20Guide.pdfSenator Gilbert Baker Voted FOR All The Bills Above
(And is the one Described Where No Bill is Mentioned)
Senator Jim Holt Voted AGAINST All The Bills Above
(Except the facilities in 2007 after he had left the Senate)
"Barring a remarkable turn of events in the fourth quarter, this Republican primary is over. Mr. Baker is your nominee," Blake Rutherford reported on his blog after reporting the 3rd quarter fund raising for the candidates. Baker has raised ten times the amount of money of any other candidate. I, myself, predicted as much last Spring.
That remarkable turn of events could be another person entering the race. Senator Jim Holt, a proven experienced true conservative has said he would let us know in November if he was running. If just a little over 3% of the people had voted for Holt rather than Lincoln in 2004, he could have won. Lincoln was not the least vulnerable in 2004 and spent about $5.8 million on her campaign - 35 times the amount of money Holt spent.
Many people think Gilbert Baker can't win against Lincoln. The independents, Tea Party people, Secure Arkansas, and many others are still upset with the Republican establishment, and they are not going to support Senator Gilbert Baker with his voting record. McCain could not win against Obama as bad a candidate as Obama was, and many people don't think Gilbert Baker can win against Lincoln.
Many think an independent will enter the race if Gilbert Baker stays the front runner or wins the primary. It would be much better for Senator Holt to run as a Republican who has a record and a reputation of actually voting the way the Republican base wants him to vote rather than splitting the conservative and Republican vote by an independent. And Holt has the perfect voting record to please Tea Parties, Secure Arkansas, Independents and TRUE conservatives.
I don't think any of the others that are running can beat Gilbert Baker in the primary. They don't have name recognition or enough money to do it. I think Senator Holt has an excellent chance of beating him. Senator Holt has far more name recognition in the state than even Senator Baker does. And none of the others that I know of have a voting record so none of us know how they will vote or if they will compromise under pressure. Senator Holt has several years of legislative experience and votes to prove he can take the heat. He has also had experience running a statewide campaign as well campaigns for the House and the Senate.
See these links for other articles on Gilbert Baker:
Washington Examiner - GOP picking candidate too soon
http://www.wpaag.org/Gilbert%20B%20-%20GOP%20picking%20him%20too%20soon.htmLiberal Organization in Arkansas gives Gilbert Baker highest rating of all Republican Senators and higher than 41 House members.
http://www.wpaag.org/Gilbert%20Baker%20voting%20record%20by%20liberal%20group.htmGilbert Baker relied on John Brummett Quotes in fund raising letter and on his web: