Inchoate Lack of Logic on Smoking Ban
It really is about freedom, and this bill sets a terrible precedent. Someone, anyone, please give me a principled defense of this bill in light of Asa's commitment to private property rights.
Since 2005, Arkansas Politics and Events from a Contrarian Small-government Perspective
"I know several legislators are frustrated because they feel public education in Arkansas is funded adequately. I understand and share their frustration, but we cannot allow that frustration to limit our actions. We argued our position, we lost, and we must now take the bull by the horns and attempt to satisfy the Supreme Court. "
Excuse me, but wouldn't "taking the bull by the horns" mean standing up to the courts and helping the legislature reassert its traditional role of having the power of the purse strings? How does letting the courts set funding levels "take the bull by the horns"? It sounds more like letting go of the bull's horns so that the bull can gouge the taxpayers in their already sore derierre's.
(click "wednesday" below for rest of article, or if sent directly here just scroll down)We must stop this special session in order to save our pocketbooks! A special session can only be put off if there is no "consensus" among legislators that your wallet should be emptied in an effort to please the judges. For the record, Jim is against spending the money, and is considering sponsoring a resolution taking this issue to the people. The case is good that the courts have exceeded their authority and everyone knows it is the legislature, not the courts, who are supposed to have the power of the purse strings in our American System of Separation of Powers. Jim is working to stop the spending frenzy, but he can't do it alone. Abraham Lincoln said, "with public opinion behind me I can do everything, without it I can do nothing." We need your help. Contact your legislators and tell them NO to the special session. Arkansans already have the 8th highest tax burden.
Fourth Issue: Great new audio of Senator Holt in this 13 minute radio interview."
for the Holt Campaign- this is Mark Moore reporting.
"Governor Mike Huckabee said Monday that he supported a set of proposed changes in state education law that include $309 million in increased school funding." Some additional government employees would be added. As legislators and Arkansans consider this information to determine their position on this issue, the following information should be considered.
See documentation on our site:
Contact Person:
Bobby L. Hester
American Family Association of Arkansas
P. O. Box 9076
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401
Phone 870-932-5065 Cell 870-243-5612
It appears the fight will continue over the prospect of Sam’s Club operating a liquor store at its planned site in Fayetteville. |
State lawmakers recommended Thursday that school spending be increased another $59.6 million for the current school year and $78.7 million the next. | ![]() |
Four Powerful Legislators Control Special Session Bills
Regarding the special session on education, "Senate President Pro Tempore Jim Argue, D-Little Rock, said the education committees are close to a consensus, but how the full Legislature might react to the committees’ ideas 'is a complete unknown.'"
If Senator Argue would share some of that consensus information with other legislators, perhaps some headway could be made. We have heard legislators complain (and many citizens share that complaint!) that Senator Argue, Senator Broadway, Senator Bisbee, and Representative Jodie Mahony write these education bills behind closed doors and then spring it on the rest of the legislators and ram them through without legislative members having time to study them or to formulate their own legislation. These bills are the ones legislators refer to as "the train having already left the station" by the time they get to the floor.