Religious Conservatives Splitting Over Support For GOP

Well, it is happening at last. Significant figures from the "Christian Right" have finally come to grips with the reality that the Republican Party has no intention of enacting any of their agenda. What is worse, religious conservatives are getting the blame from an uninformed (or even misinformed) populace who view the disasterous policies of the Bush administration as the result of "Christians in politics".
This is particularly galling because Bush has not delivered on the Christian Right agenda, they have simply bought into some of his (i.e. the nation-building exercise in Iraq). In other words, the general populace has the idea that Bush is what a "Christian" president governs like, even though his policies are not at all what his Christian-Right backers had in mind. He left them high and dry on policy, but not on blame!
For the last few election cycles, the GOP has not produced candidates that the Christian Right has been excited about, but rather "hit the fear button" by playing up how terrible the other guy is. It worked for them at first, so they played up even more unacceptable candidates and simply relied on slamming the fear button harder and harder. It seems that at last some of the leaders of the Christian Right have come to the place my wife came to three years ago when she said, "My fear button is broken". That is to say, the GOP must produce acceptable candidates or they will not vote for them, whatever the consequences. At this point, witness is more important than winning.
The well-respected Dr. James Dobson is one of the foremost leaders of the faction that is ready to bolt. He met recently with other Christian Right leaders in Salt Lake City to come up with a plan of action. Those who met with him include; the Family Research Council, Bott Broadcasting, Capitol Resource Institute, Salem Communications, Eagle Forum and Concerned Women for America. They even floated the idea of backing billionaire Foster Friess as an independent candidate for President.
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