Monday, April 20, 2009

51% of Americans View TEA Parties Favorably - 33% Unfavorable/Rasmussen Poll

"Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans have a favorable view of the "tea parties" held nationwide last week"

"Thirty-three percent (33%) hold an unfavorable opinion of the tea parties according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey."

"Just 13% of the political elite offered even a somewhat favorable assessment while 81% said the opposite."

Could we say that these political elitists (13%) are out of touch with the general population?

Or could we call them extreme leftists?

Or possible potential terrorists? (alluding, of course, to the Department of Homeland Security report "for official use only" on 'right-wing extremism' where some of us conservatives are profiled as potential terrorists - the "information provided to federal, state, local and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, or respond to terrorist attacks against the US." )

Among those profiled in the Department of Homeland Security report that could be potential terrorists:

those "rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority"
people "in opposition to abortion and illegal immigation"
those opposed to one world order
those who fear Communist regimes
disgruntled military veterans
those who oppose gun control
those who oppose free trade agreements
those who perceive government infringement on civil liberties

Department of Homeland Security Report referenced above link:

Other interesting statistics from the Rasmussen survey referenced above that can be found at this link:

"Twenty-five percent of adults say they personally know someone who attended a tea party protest. That figure includes just one percent (1%) of those in the Political Class."

"Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Americans say they followed recent new stories about the tea party protests, including 32% who followed Very Closely. "

Just 32% of the Political Class was following along. Among those with populist, or Mainstream, views, 68% were paying attention. (For how Rasmussen determines the Political Class and Populist or Mainstream see this link:)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Taking a Two Week Break

I am benching myself for a short while. I will be back the first week of May, please check back then.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

RETRACTION: Tea Parties in Springdale Arkansas

Your reporter is about to eat crow.

It appears I owe an apology to the Springdale City government due to some of the claims in my report that officials in the city refused to issue a permit to have a "Tea Party" in that city. Because my report was so strongly worded, I believe that I need to put myself "on suspension" for a while, just as I did a couple of years ago when I went with a story that later turned out to be wrong.

I had two sources high up in the area Tea Party movement tell me that the people they assigned to get the permit from Springdale told them all at the meeting that "after talking to the city of Springdale, a Tea Party there is just not going to happen". A man named Eric Batey made that statement. The impression the hearers got was that the city was not cooperative with the request. Recently I learned that Mayor Sprouse of Springdale challenged the story......

"What you state is simply not true. I was first made aware of this rumor Monday morning by Mike Disney. My staff and I checked with every department and no one had received a request for a permit for a Tea Party. I had Wyman Morgan, our Director of Administration, call Mike back and let him know how he could get a permit. Our city would never refuse a permit for any peaceful demonstration whether we agree with the cause or not. It just so happens, by the way, that I support the Tea Party effort and what it stands for. I’ve been hearing about it for some time now on Fox News and the Shaun Hannity radio program.

I don’t know if anyone from the organization followed through and got the permit or not- but if there is not a rally in Springdale , it’s not because the city government denied permission. It’s amazing to me how quick we are to believe something negative just because someone put it on a website or a blog. You know as well as I do that anyone can say anything without any accountability to the truth. I am thankful that you contacted me so I could set the record straight. I only ask that when given the opportunity, you’ll be as willing to spread the truth about this matter as you were to believe a false rumor. I know you will because I see from your quote at the bottom of your email that you trust our Lord and Savior- that tells me that the truth is of the utmost importance in your life. If you have other questions or would like to discuss this further, call me anytime on my cell, XXX-XXXX."

Once I learned that the facts were in dispute, I called my sources and got the name and phone number of one of the people that was in charge of getting a Springdale Tea Party set up, Eric Batey. He said he did not feel that Springdale was singling them out, but rather that they had standard procedures in place for protests that the Tea Party did not have time to work around. His statement at the meeting was misunderstood. "We contacted the city, we were told that we needed specific documentation and insurance. We did not have time to do it", Batey summed up.

I retract the story and intend to write a letter of apology to the mayor's office today. I have published 1500+ stories since I started this blog in 2005. Sometimes I get it wrong, and I got this one wrong. I also need to figure out how long a "forced vacation" I should have from blogging.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What I Said at the Tea Party

The crowd in Fayetteville for the Tea Party could not have numbered less than 1,000. I would guess 1,500. They were very fired up even though I got there close to the end because I had to work until 5 and drove down from Bentonville.

I will post some pics later from my family, please excuse it if most of them are of me because, as I said, my family was running the camera.

State Representatives Mark Martin and Jon Wood were both in the audience. No elected officials were allowed to speak. As it turned out, I was the last speaker (besides MC Laurie Masterson).

Read the speech I gave on the jump......

Tea Party Line Up in Fayetteville

The Fayetteville Arkansas Tax Day Tea Party citizens will be assembling in Downtown Fayetteville around the Fayetteville Square and Town Center plaza on April 15th at 4:00- 7:00 p.m.

The Fayetteville Arkansas Tax Day Tea Party is an informal demonstration organized of, by and for citizens who are no longer willing to tolerate an irresponsible, unresponsive government, Republican and Democrat alike. They do not agree with any form of government that continues to rapidly encroach on individual liberties while creating enormous and financially bloated government programs that are amassing crippling economic burdens for America’s future generations. Let us be clear in that we are not Anti-government, to the contrary WE are the government, as is stated in our founding documents by those who founded this nation in liberty.

The gathering is intended to send a firm and respectful statement: ENOUGH! Our mission is to unite the state of Arkansas district by district, so that we can affirm our state Constitution, confirm our sovereignty as a state, and enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Then to extend this sentiment state by state, to defend our national Constitution and our God given liberties. We will encourage attendees to become informed and significantly engaged so that they can defend and protect their individual rights, using the rule of law clearly set forth in our sacred Constitution.

Participants will depart with an informational sheet on how to stay involved united and determined in unbending resolve to effect the needed changes and recommitment to our founding documents.

There will be citizen speakers, patriotic music, voter registration tables and a canned food drive. Everyone is asked to bring some canned foods to help those people and families in need.

Estimated times only

4:00 gather
4:05 open remarks
4:10 Invocation
4:12 Presentation of Colors
Pledge -
National Anthem
4:40 Rolf Wilkin
4:50 America the beutiful-song
4:55 Tea Party Song-song
5:05 Stephen fowler -
5:15 Lisa Briney
5:25 Joseph Wood
5:35 Catherine Orsburne
5:45 Jason Shepard-
5:55 Mark Moore
6:05 Lepina McHenry
6:15 Laura Eppes
6:25 God Bless America-song
6:35benediction-Jim Beckman
6:40closing of colors

Elected officials from any political party are invited and welcome to attend. However, this is not intended as a forum for politicians to speak. Citizens of varied backgrounds who are organizing this informal protest of ongoing governmental policies ask:

* That everyone attending please maintain an underlying spirit of civility and respect. We want a peaceful, unifying demonstration.

* That anyone displaying signs please ensure they are not threatening or vulgar and that they focus on the issue at hand, overburdening tax debt of future generations caused by the out of control spending and our freedoms and liberties being usurped.

* That everyone please clean-up after themselves and others when they see debris or trash. Downtown Fayetteville is a beautiful treasure and we want to make sure we leave it exactly as we find it.

Tax Day Tea Party Events are being held across the nation in 2,000 U.S. cities, at least 36 of which are in Arkansas.

Tea Party in Benton County Today

This Wednesday, April 15th, is when federal and state income taxes are due. It is also the day that “Tea Party” protests will be held in thousands of cities all across the United States, including twenty-six locations in Arkansas. That includes one on the Bentonville town square from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The event organizers are a very loose coalition of people who are upset about the bailouts of major Wall Street financial institutions as well as excessive government taxing and spending overall.

The original Boston Tea Party was an event in American history just before the Revolution. Patriots upset with a new English tax on imported tea boarded a ship laden with tea and tossed the cargo into Boston harbor before the tax could be assessed. The act was an escalation of the protests against English tyranny that culminated with the Revolutionary War for Independence.

The new Tea Parties are billed as peaceful, legal protests against a government that many feel has gotten away from the common citizens. It stands for “Taxed Enough Already”, but the local organizers are taking aim at government spending, not just taxation. They feel that the increasing use of government debt is a threat to the future of the nation and can only mean increased taxes later when it is time to repay the debt.

I spoke with the local organizers of this event, Scott Winn and Dorothy Hess. What I find so striking about these Tea Parties is that it seems to be a spontaneous outpouring of protest over government action. While some elements of the establishment are attempting to hijack it, there is no powerful entity funding or otherwise serving as the driving force behind the movement. Neither Winn nor Hess is a member of either the Republican or Democratic parties. They made it clear that they are unhappy with politicians in both major parties. “The Bush and Obama administrations are both wrong” said Winn, in referring to the bailouts and the continued policy of demanding that banks have a quota of loans from “underserved populations” in their portfolio. Many of those loans later went bad, worsening the crisis.

“Government intervention helped start the banking crisis” Winn said, because of increasing government pressure to extend credit to people without an adequate credit history. “It is a perversion of banking for the government to tell people who they must have loans from in their portfolio.” He added.

Many banks were not failing. Some of the biggest banks are the ones that took the biggest risks- risks that blew up on them. “If a company takes a risk, let them fail” said Winn, “The bail outs are a ridiculous spending of our money to prop up failed businesses. Now every decision those companies make will be political, not market-driven.” He also noted that the Wall Street High Rollers kept the profits when their high-risk strategies were paying off, but now want to pass the costs onto the taxpayer on their losing bets.

Hess was also upset at the response of Congress to the crisis, “They spent two trillion dollars of our money and none of them even bothered to read the bills that spent it.” Every member of Arkansas’ congressional delegation voted for the bail-outs.

There will be an open-soapbox for anyone who wants to give a two-minute speech to the crowd. Hess asked people to come on down to network and sign petitions. She has also asked that people bring signs and flags to the event on the Bentonville town square Wednesday the 15th from 5-7 PM.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Homeland Security Report Warns of "Right-Wing Extremists" - Returning Combat Veterans

A returning veteran that was not too happy about the changes in society and the economy since he returned from combat.

In their increasing effort to label political dissent as "domestic terrorism", the Federal Department of Homeland Security released a report which labels our servicemen who just returned from overseas combat as particularly suspect for being "right-wing extremists".

Read the full story from WND here.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He Is Risen Indeed

I am very grateful this Easter Sunday to be an orthodox Christian. I sought the Truth, and by God's grace found it. What I had to give up for that pearl of Great Price was much of what I thought at the time was myself. The Truth is greater than I, and therefore to give up ones self for the Truth is a noble bargain.

So what is truth? Two thousand years ago a Roman ruler named Pontius Pilate asked that very question. The irony was that Truth in human form was standing right there in front of him. Truth is a person. Know Him, and you will know the truth. Deny Him, and the wisdom of even a great land will turn to foolishness, as we have seen in our own rulers.

The power of the Holy Spirit can be dramatic, but I find most often it is subtle. So subtle that you may think that you are making no progress in the struggle against sin and calamity day by day. But then when you sit back and reflect on the years gone by you realize that God is not idle, He just operates with the patience of an immortal, as indeed He is.

God became Man. As God, He was the rightful King of mankind, but His Kingship was not on the outside. Rather it was in the very depths of the human heart. This challenge to the supremacy of the religious and political rulers of the day was not tolerated. God became Man, and the usurpers killed the Rightful King. He did not stay dead, but in so giving His life became not only Lord of the Doomed but Lord and Savior of the truly living.

Even though my personal life is a blessed one, when I look at the larger events of the day, I worry for the future. Still, compared to the position the apostles were in during the hours before that first Resurrection morning I guess we don't have it so bad here. America is in debt to foreign powers, but they were occupied by foreign powers. Heresy and apostasy are rampant in American churches, but the religious rulers of their day actually were behind the execution of the Messiah. And most of all, they thought he was dead then.

In the hours that followed they were to learn that He was risen. That knowledge helped turn them from a handful of peasants cowering in fear to the men who turned the earth upside down. Indeed, within three centuries the mighty Roman Empire, the destroyer of Jerusalem and ruler of the known world, would make Christianity the state religion, and the Emperor would bend his knees down and acknowledge Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ultimately that did not save the government in Rome, whose gross sins and rampant corruption ascended into the very heavens. But even the "barbarians" who vanquished the Roman government were believers. They ended the Roman Empire, but birthed the "Holy Roman Empire", as well as a host of other nations who sired people that took the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.

He is risen indeed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Media May Not Be Getting It On Tea Parties

The Tea Party protests that are springing up around the country seem to be a mystery to the mainstream press. I read a report yesterday that noted only two congressmen were known to be linked to an event, as if the rest were steering clear because of fear of "fringe elements". I guess........ If taxpayers are considered "fringe elements". Maybe they meant ACORN, who are tax users who have vowed to crash some of the parties.

The most obvious explanation for the lack of Congressmen at the tea parties is that the whole point of the event is to protest what a bunch of corrupt gasbags they are. If you were in Congress would you want to show up at an event where they scour you for voting to give away two trillion dollars to high-roller bankers in a bill that you did not even read? How is a patriotic person supposed to respond to such actions? Are we to do nothing?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Nothing to See Here, Please Move Along.

Reality may have intruded into the public image of a mutual admiration society between the Governor and the Legislature. Could Republican Representative Davy Carter of Cabot actually have said "“We raised taxes; $100 million right in the midst of a deep recession. “We’ve made it so your 17-year-old neighbor, who may be the most responsible kid in the world, can’t go pick up your two 12-year-olds from soccer practice and bring them home because, God forbid, we may adhere to the theory of personal responsibility any more,” Carter said." among other reality-based intrusions unto the media love-fest?

House Majority Leader Steve Harrelson does not believe it. He gives us a post in which he declares that the Cabot Herald Star Report must have been inaccurate, and that he can't see Rep. Carter saying such things about the session or the Governor!

So there is nothing to see here people. Please move along and do not think that any legislator is displeased with the splendor that is Mike Beebe and the last session of the legislature.

I know for sure that not everything in the Cabot Herald article is true anyway. It has current GOP Chairman Doyle Webb beating the drums for the pro-life cause. Doyle is a pleasant man, but I don't remember his Senate Career being a beacon of hope for protecting the unborn. And of course he was chief of staff for the most prominent pro-abortion face in the Arkansas Republican Party, Win Rockefeller.

This may be an example of the Lincoln card check syndrome. That is, establishment Republicans dust the pro-life issue off and use it when they are out of power and can't do anything about it anyway, then when they get in power and have a chance to do something about it they lose their fervor for the first duty of government (protecting innocent life) and go straight to concentrating their effort handing out bailout money to their buddies.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Faith Based Initiatives Now Controlled By Homosexual Activist?


The so-called "faith based initiatives" were always a bad idea. They were exactly the kind of thing that the first amendment was written to stop- a church that becomes a hireling of the state rather than a check on the state's power as another institution which serves as an independent authority in the minds of the people.

I have always felt that way, but conservative churches thought it might be a good idea when it looked like the money was going to them. Now the Obama administration is appointing very different kind of men to run the "faith based initiatives" program. The CNS article notes that new appointee to the President's Faith Advisory Panel Harry Knox holds that the New Testament's teaching that homosexual behavior is unnatural and wrong--which is found in St. Paul's letter to the Romans--“is not true." "Knox has been a long-time gay activist focusing on the faith community. He previously worked for the New York-based Freedom to Marry group, for Georgia Equality and Equality Florida."

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Beebe Wins Battle With House, Blocks Tax Cuts

It looks like Governor Mike Beebe wins his battle with the House to keep his pile of surplus money. The key was holding onto the senate, which voted down seven tax-cut bills passed by the house over the objections of the Beebe administration.

Beebe wants to keep a huge surplus because the interest from this money is controlled by him to use as a pork fund. Some legislators would rather just give tax cuts rather than let the money pile up. Beebe got those hoping to get his pork to form a block to stop all tax cuts except for two- a single penny drop in the grocery tax and a small cut in sales taxes for energy used in manufacturing. Everyone else with an idea for a tax cut was strongly opposed by the Governor’s people. Then it turns out Beebe’s buddy, Senator Bobby Glover, got a thumbs up from the Governor’s people for a tax cut for people with rental storage units. Many in the House were upset at the double-standard, and responded by sending a pile of tax cuts out of committee.

A longer running problem for both chambers is that they cannot trust the numbers that the Beebe administration sends them. The shell games that have been going on with the numbers has to infuriate the more responsible members of the legislature.

At any rate, each Senator can get triple the pork of a House member, so they are more prone to do his bidding. About all the House can do to respond is to vote down the one or two bills left that Beebe and the Senate want passed, like Senator Glover's tax cut for those with a storage rental business. If they retaliate, they risk losing whatever pork bones the Governor might toss at them and also future retaliation on whatever bills are left. If they don't retaliate, they will make Pee-Wee Herman look like Chuck Norris in comparison to them.

Tonight On Blog Talk Radio:The Guide Discourses on The Financial Meltdown and What it Means

Tonight at 9PM on the Guide for the Perplexed: "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One" wrote Missouri Professor William Black. Is the best way to loot a country to own its Banks, control its government, or is there any difference? Mark gives insight on not only how we got here, but they underlying dynamics of what it means going forward.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Puncturing the Illusion of Choice- Lincoln Reverses on Card Check

Senator Blanche Lincoln always told the unions that she was in favor of union-friendly card check legislation. She even co-sponsored a bill for it a few years back. That was when it had no chance of passing. Now that it does, she has come out against it. "While I may not have been clear about my position in the past, I am stating today that I cannot support Employee Free Choice Act in its current form ", she said.

Well, you were clear in the past Senator. You clearly claimed to support it when it did not matter. What is unclear is how the "current form" that you cannot support differs materially from the form you co-sponsored! Not that the legislation was ever a good idea mind you.

This betrayal may not even hurt Lincoln at the ballot box, because the legislation would be opposed by Republicans too. Too help readers understand the differences between national Democratic politicians and national Republican ones, I offer this handy summary: Republicans are the ones who say they are for big business interests and back it up. Democrats are the ones who say they are for the working man but are actually also for big business interests. So that is your "choice" on fiscal issues America. On social issues, the Democrats are the ones who say they are for abortion, homosexuality, and other forms of immoral behavior and back it up. The Republicans are the ones who say they are for life and family values, but are actually also for the forces of cultural decadence. Good luck America, "choosing" the right candidate from among our current two dominant private clubs called political parties.

I consider most of Congress to be bought and paid for by the special interests who write the big checks in this business. I consider the reason that immoral people, tax cheats, marriage cheats, influence peddlers and the like, make it with such regularity to high levels in our current system is that the current system prefers people with devastating moral defects. It is easier to get the required cooperation from people that you "have the goods on". I don't know what they have on Lincoln, but her about-face going into an election year is hard to explain on the surface.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Bill Would Grant President Power to Shut Down Internet Networks

Banning Adoption and Foster Parenting by Certain Persons to Protect Children

I note with approval that a Malawi judge has denied the application of Madonna Ciccone-Penn-Richie to adopt another child from that country. The judge ruled that she had not met the residency requirement during which the state evaluates and determines the fitness of the parent. This was undoubtedly true and I admire the integrity of the judge for enforcing the law even-handedly in this case. This is in marked contrast to the previous adoption where she was allowed to fly off with the child before the adoption was even completed.

I mention it on Arkansas Watch because of the spirited debate on our proposed ban on adoption and foster parenting. That ban did not specifically ban co-habiting homosexuals from adopting, but it was widely recognized that it would have that effect. I feel that it is important to recognize that it is not only homosexuals who should be blocked from gaining access to children through the power of the state. Crazy people who have made a train wreck of their lives (even if given millions of dollars by an exploiting corporation in the process) probably should not be given such children either.

Husbands and boyfriends can and do leave once the stench of crazy gets unbearable, but once adopted children are trapped until age of majority. That is why the state should be very careful before it doles out children to people who have not demonstrated an ability to maintain a stable traditional family and a life of virtue.

Some might object that the child will be poor in Malawi but rich if adopted by the "material girl". Our culture is so money-obsessed that it can be easy to lose perspective. If you have children of your own, let me put this question to you: If something were to happen to the rest of your family and your children had to be adopted at age three, who would you rather have them, a working class family of noble character or some trashy people who won a lottery?

Protection of the innocent is the first duty of government. It is my view that a desire to coddle the feelings of some adults who have chosen deviant life styles must be subordinated to the first duty of government. Adopting children is not a right.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Legislative EthicsL Guys Who Write the Bills Also Write the Loopholes!

A guest column from Little Rock's Todd Sharp
There have been several references to SB867 in the papers recently but after reading Michael Wickline’s article titled “Bill targets lobbyists who pay and run” I felt compelled to address the issue within the issue.

After reading on several occasions how Attorney General Dustin McDaniel and SB867’s sponsor Senator steve faris described the “ethics” bill I was convinced that our legislators were doing something right. Both of these politicians touted this bill as an “ethics” bill that would stop lobbyist from paying for a legislator’s meals and other activities if the lobbyist was not present. My only thought was why has this practice not been eliminated before?

Finally my curiosity and skepticism got the best of me and I went to (where anyone can go and read legislation for themselves) to see what SB867 was really all about. What I discovered when I read this bill infuriated me.

Deep in the back of the bill were two provisions, the first would allow legislators to double the amount of campaign funds that they had previously been allowed to keep and the second allowed legislators to start using campaign funds for meals, travel, and lodging.

Why were these provision’s that line the pockets of legislators stuck in the back of an “ethics” bill that was touted as targeting lobbyist and why had Mr. McDaniel and Mr. faris failed to mention these provisions when pontificating the honorable merits of the bill when addressing the media? Were they camouflaging the meat of the bill by calling it an ethics bill that limited lobbyists?

Could the real motive behind this bill have been to generate more campaign contributions by lobbyists and their employers to legislators while allowing them to keep and use a larger amount of such campaign funds?

Ethics? Does anyone wonder why politicians are not listed very high on the list of “most honorable professions” anymore?

Before I continue, I’d like to point out that after people started questioning the legitimacy of these provisions being stuck in the bill and after Senator David Johnson did the honorable thing by removing his name as a co sponsor of the bill because of the out of place provisions – the provisions were eventually removed. But the point remains why did they try to slip them in the back of the bill to begin with?

(continued on the jump)

Warning to Federal Government Voted Down

The behavior of the federal government recently has gone from ridiculous to insane. They are giving trillions of dollars worth of our future earnings to Wall Street High Rollers fallen on hard times, reckless financial gamblers, and even international banks. Other government spending has also skyrocketed. They are throwing borrowed money at every problem that twitches.

The watered-down protest of these actions filed in the Arkansas legislature was voted down today 34-54-12. Apparently some folks don't want to protest the Federal governments unsustainable madness while they hope to get a small slice of the loot. Where do they think the Fed got it from? Either from U.S. Citizens or foreign powers which expect U.S. citizens to repay it with interest.

The vote tally is here.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Legislature Finally Has Enough, Passes Series of Tax Cuts to Send Beebe Message

Roby Brock at Business Talk has the details, but it seems that much of the house is finally standing up to Governor Beebe. A committee passed a series of seven small tax cuts over DFA opposition.

The reason behind it? They are tired of the Governor's deceptions on budget numbers, amply documented here, and also the Governor told them there would only be two tax cuts allowed this year- and then his people came out in favor of another one by Senator Glover. It's who you know, but it seems like the ledge is getting to know Mike Beebe pretty well.

Morris and Hannity "Conspiracy Theorists Were Right" on Global Currency/Government

While Hannity has been an apologist for statist leaders as long as they have an (R) by their name, now that the opposite party is running things he no longer thinks people warning about global government are "nuts". "Right" is the new world for "Nut" when it comes to those warning about plans to subvert our national sovereignty.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Twenty-Six Tea Parties Planned in Arkansas, 1000 In The Nation

Below is a typical flyer being sent out for the Tea Parties. This one I received yesterday is from Jonesboro. After this flyer information, note the 26 places where Tea Parties are already planned in Arkansas. You can go to this link and find the locations for planned Tea Parties all over the nation.
To see the flyer below with proper formatting and pictures, go to this link:

On April 15, be part of the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party rally in your community.
On the day you pay your taxes, Wednesday, April 15, join others across the country and in your hometown who will be participating in TEA party rallies in front of their city halls.
The TEA party rally will begin at 6:00 PM.

Are you fed up with a Congress and a president who:

* vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
* are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
* consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to get re-elected?
* want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
* punish those who practice responsible financial behavior and reward those who do not?
* admit to using the financial hurt of millions as an opportunity to push their political agenda?
* run up trillions of dollars of debt and then sell that debt to countries such as China?
* want government controlled health care?
* want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
* refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
* appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
* want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform abortions against their will?
* want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels?
* want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
* take money from your family budget to pay for their federal budget?

If so, participate in the TEA party rally, the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party.
WHEN: APRIL 15, 2009 6:00 – 8:00 PM

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
- Thomas Jefferson

This is the list of cities in Arkansas that have made definite plans for a Tea Party: Alexander, Arkadelphia, Batesville, Bella Vista, Conway, Decatur, El Dorado, Fayetteville, Ft. Smith, Harrison, Hot Springs, Lamar, Little Rock, Magnolia, Monticello, Mountain Home, Nashville, Paragould, Pine Bluff, Pocahontas, Russellville, Searcy, Sherwood, Sulphur Rock, and Yellville. See this link for this list and for other states. Names are added daily.