51% of Americans View TEA Parties Favorably - 33% Unfavorable/Rasmussen Poll
"Thirty-three percent (33%) hold an unfavorable opinion of the tea parties according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey."
"Just 13% of the political elite offered even a somewhat favorable assessment while 81% said the opposite."
Could we say that these political elitists (13%) are out of touch with the general population?
Or could we call them extreme leftists?
Or possible potential terrorists? (alluding, of course, to the Department of Homeland Security report "for official use only" on 'right-wing extremism' where some of us conservatives are profiled as potential terrorists - the "information provided to federal, state, local and tribal counterterrorism and law enforcement officials so they may effectively deter, prevent, or respond to terrorist attacks against the US." )
Among those profiled in the Department of Homeland Security report that could be potential terrorists:
those "rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority"
people "in opposition to abortion and illegal immigation"
those opposed to one world order
those who fear Communist regimes
disgruntled military veterans
those who oppose gun control
those who oppose free trade agreements
those who perceive government infringement on civil liberties
Department of Homeland Security Report referenced above link:
Other interesting statistics from the Rasmussen survey referenced above that can be found at this link:
"Twenty-five percent of adults say they personally know someone who attended a tea party protest. That figure includes just one percent (1%) of those in the Political Class."
"Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Americans say they followed recent new stories about the tea party protests, including 32% who followed Very Closely. "
Just 32% of the Political Class was following along. Among those with populist, or Mainstream, views, 68% were paying attention. (For how Rasmussen determines the Political Class and Populist or Mainstream see this link:)